Frequently Asked Questions

1. Question: How much sleep should the average person get per night?

Answer: The CDC actually breaks down the recommended sleep per age group in this helpful chart:

0–2 months 12–18 hours
3–11 months 14–15 hours
1–3 years 12–14 hours
3–5 years 11–13 hours
School-age Children
5–10 years 10–11 hours
10–17 years 8.5–9.25 hours
17 and older 7–9 hours

2. Question: What is REM sleep?

  • Answer: REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement and it refers to the deepest cycle of sleep

3. Question: What percent of the population does get enough sleep according to the chart?

  • Answer: About 75% of people get the recommended amount of sleep

4. Question: Is napping beneficial to those who are sleep deprived?

  • Answer: Napping is somewhat beneficial to people who do not get enough sleep but it cannot be  substituted for a full night’s sleep.

5. Question: What is sleep apnea?

  • Answer: Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which snoring interrupts ones own sleep cycle and wakes the person up constantly.

6. Question: What is Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

  • Answer: RLS is a disorder in which one’s legs kick or jerk and inhibit a person from being able to fall asleep due to the constant and/or abrupt leg motion.

7. Question: What is insomnia?

    • Answer: Insomnia is a medical condition in which people are unable to initiate or maintain a sleep cycle.

      8. Question: What percent of our population is affected by insomnia?

      • Answer: At least 10% of our population suffers from insomnia.

      9. Question: What is Narcolepsy?

      • Answer: Narcolepsy is a nervous system disorder that causes sudden “sleep attacks” brought on by extreme drowsiness.

      10. Question: What chronic diseases are associated with inadequate sleep habits?

      • Answer: Obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and depression are associated with inadequate amounts of sleep.

      *These FAQ answers come from the CDC website.


      1. Thank you the chart about the number of hours we should be sleeping by age is so important and useful! 🙂

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